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SmartHomes Infrastructure presents Bulk NA/NOC land like residential, Commercial, Industrial at prime location in Dholera SIR like close to ABCD Building, Activation Area, Industrial Zone, Dholera City Center, 55 mt wide road, etc.


03/02/2021 From Overblog

Dholera Smart City - Dholera SIR a Trillion Dollar Smart City in Making

Witness growth of Dholera SIR, a Trillion dollar Smart City in Making Why Invest in Commercial, Industrial, and...

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10/29/2020 From Overblog

Dholera Greenfield Smart City - A Trillion Dollar baby - Part I

Ever since our honourable PM Sh. Narendra Modi announced “100 Smart Cities Mission” we have been hearing so much...

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10/29/2020 From Overblog

Dholera Greenfield Smart City - A Trillion Dollar baby - Part II

DSIRDA (Dholera SIR Development Authority)– Under the SIR Act 2009 a regional development authority were formed...

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10/29/2020 From Overblog

Dholera Greenfield Smart City - A Trillion Dollar baby - Part III

You have mentioned Dholera Greenfield Smart City a “Trillion Dollar Baby”? Do you really see that happening? How...

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02/14/2020 From Overblog

Dholera SIR Shall Be A GreenField Smarter City Dholera

Dholera smart city is the city of Dholera SIR, Gujarat. The region encompasses 22 villages and shall be spread...

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02/08/2020 From Overblog

Dholera Smart City: A Massive Residential Township in Dholera SIR

Dholera Smart city is a massive residential township project being developed in greater Dholera SIR by Smart Homes...

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01/25/2020 From Overblog

Dholera Smart City - Best of This Opportunity Offered by India’s First Smart City

Dholera Smart City brings with itself a plethora of economic opportunities for everyone: Corporates, Hospitality...

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